D&R Canal Biking: Washington Crossing to Trenton
D&R Canal towpath from Washington Crossing to Trenton, crossing the Calhoun Bridge, then north from Morrisville, PA.
D&R Canal towpath from Washington Crossing to Trenton, crossing the Calhoun Bridge, then north from Morrisville, PA.
Easy hiking or biking along the quiet, pretty canal towpath on the Pennsylvania side through New Hope, crossing in Stockton returning on the New Jersey side.
Biking the Delaware & Raritan Canal towpath from Rocky Hill south to Rt 95 and back.
Biking the Delaware & Raritan Canal Towpath north from Rocky Hill to Amwell Road.
The D&R Canal towpath from Lambertville at Mt. Hope St. to Frenchtown in New Jersey, then returning on the Pennsylvania side.
Easy hiking or biking along the shady and scenic Delaware & Raritan Canal heading north from Lambertville to Frenchtown.
From Washington Crossing State Park, north through Lambertville to Prallsville Mill.
Biking the D&L Canal from Lock 19 in Lodi to Lock 22 at the Theodore Roosevelt Recreation Area.
Scenic, easy biking and a covered bridge on the Delaware & Lehigh Canal towpath from Frenchtown, N.J. to Riegelsville, P.A.
Biking the Delaware and Raritan Canal from Rocky Hill north to just past 10 Mile Lock.
Biking the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath north from Rocky Hill to Weston Causeway and back.
D&R Canal Towpath from Rocky Hill south to the Rt. 95 overpass.
Biking the Delaware and Raritan Canal from Blackwells Mills north almost to Demott Lane.