Goat Hill Overlook

Easy hike to a fantastic view over the Delaware River, Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, PA.

Columbia Trail

Shady rail-trail that runs along the Raritan River and through scenic Ken Lockwood Gorge.

Musconetcong Gorge Preserve

Plenty of waterfalls and cascades along a stream running through a scenic gorge, plus a section of the Highlands Trail.

Kugler Falls

Short hike to a waterfall in Kugler Woods Preserve.

Voorhees State Park

Hike a portion of the Highlands Trail and check out the Solar System trail in a park built by the CCC in the 1930s.

View over hills and valleys from a rocky outcrop

Point Mountain Reservation

Rocky hike that quickly arrives at a panorama over the surrounding hills, valleys, and farmland and returns along a stream.

Milford Bluffs

Hike to steep cliffs overlooking the Delaware River into Pennsylvania.