Sunrise Mountain

Hike through a dense forest before climbing to Sunrise Mountain for views over northern New Jersey from the Appalachian Trail.

Mt. Minsi

Wonderful view of New Jersey’s Mt. Tammany and the Delaware River from this short, steep route.

View from Pinwheel Vista

Stairway to Heaven NJ

Hike the “Stairway to Heaven” up a series of steep rock slab steps to a panoramic view from Pinwheel’s Vista.

Lemon Squeezer – Appalachian Trail

Scramble through the Lemon Squeezer – a narrow rock crevice on the Appalachian Trail – and hike past Island Pond, Green Pond, and the Valley of Boulders.

West Mountain, The Timp, Doodletown

Enjoy views of Bear Mountain Bridge, Perkins Tower, the Hudson River, and NY – and hike through Doodletown, the remains of a town from the 1700s.

Sunfish Pond

Hike through some of the prettiest forest in New Jersey to a glacial lake 1,000 feet above the surrounding area.