Plainsboro Preserve

Leafless trees reflected in a blue lake with a bunch of cattails in the foreground.

Small park with easy trails featuring McCormack Lake in the center.

4.6 or 5.5 miles, total round tripSurface is gravel or dirt. Little elevation change. No dogs allowed.

4.6 milesThis hike guide: Detailed instructions and photos follow below.
Shorter1.0 – ORANGE only.
2.9 – WHITE – Maggie’s – WHITE – YEL – RED – PURPLE.
3.7 – WHITE – Maggie’s – BLUE – WHITE.
Longer5.5 – Add in ORANGE for a view of the lake from a different angle. Noted below.
NearbyMountain Lakes Open Space; Institute Woods;
Davidson’s Mill Pond; Farrington Lake Trail;
Ireland Brook Conservation Area; Forest Brook Trail
Tamarack HollowVan Dyke Farm;
Bunker HillThompson Park – Middlesex County
Thompson Park Conservation Area.

Our two cents:

More of a casual hike destination but a good central Jersey option to get some miles in with plenty of views of McCormack Lake.

Maggie’s trail is probably the most interesting, as it extends into the lake on a skinny strip of land. ORANGE is a worthwhile add-on, or do on its own for an easy 1.0 miles.

Nice nature center with many displays. Train noise in much of the park.

Updated: 3/2025 – Page refreshed, not re-hiked. 3/2023 – Minor edits, added photos, re-hiked. Older change log at page bottom.


Print ahead or check the map box outside the visitor center entry door. Follow along on your smartphone with our Interactive Map link above. Our map shows this route as well as the ORANGE trail add-on.

Some intersections have signs denoting color and direction. Similar route now appears in Best Day Hikes in New Jersey.

Direction sign at trail junctions.

Parking: N40.34961° W74.55999°

80 Scotts Corner Rd, Cranbury, NJ 08512. Via various back roads depending on location, or Turnpike Exit 8a to Cranbury South River Road to 32W to Friendship Rd, R on Broadway, L on Scotts Corner, R into the park.


Inside the visitor center. No portable toilet in the lot.

Visitor center building at Plainsboro Preserve.

Hike Directions:

Overview: WHITE – Maggie’s – BLUE – WHITE – YELLOW – RED – YELLOW – PURPLE

Trailhead with multiple trail signs.

0.0 – Start following WHITE at the trail kiosk at the edge of the parking lot. This is a wide gravel path that runs along the water.

WHITE trail is a wide path.

0.2 – Continue on WHITE. [YELLOW goes left. To the right is an opening in the trees to get closer to the water].

Trail sign next to a sand and gravel path.
View of McCormack Lake with a bench next to a side trail.

0.4 – Continue on WHITE. [YELLOW goes left].

View along WHITE trail.

0.7 – Turn RIGHT and continue on WHITE. Shortly, turn RIGHT and take Maggie’s Trail out to the end and back.

Maggie's Trail stone marker.

Who is Maggie? The trail honors Maggie Scrivo Schaefer, a preservation advocate who supported the acquisition of the 1,000 acres of open space, trails, and lake that became Plainsboro Preserve.

Hiker on a sunlit trail.

Busy beavers on Maggie’s Trail. You may notice a lot of gnawed-on trees all over the preserve.

Felled trees by busy beavers.

Benches and the view at the end of Maggie’s Trail. Retrace the route back to the stone marker.

Benches at end of Maggie's Trail.
View from Maggie's Trail of cattails in front of McCormack Lake.

1.3 – Turn RIGHT and start following BLUE. Veer RIGHT to keep on BLUE, passing a sign for BLUE SHORT CUT on the left.

Trail sign for blue shortcut.

The trail enters the woods and meanders around some small hills.

Small hills next to a trail.

Fun Fact: These hills and others around the park are material taken from the lake called “dredge spoil”.

1.4 – BLUE splits in a Y that isn’t on the trail map. Keep LEFT to follow this route. [Or veer RIGHT to loop around a different way which meets up in just a bit].

Head down some steps to continue on BLUE. [The other side of BLUE meets back here].

Large trail steps filled with small stones.

Continue on BLUE as it turns LEFT at the edge of a field.

Dirt path curving through reeds next to a lake.

2.1 – BLUE turns LEFT and follows a raised berm next to a stream.

BLUE marker on tree on a raised trail next to a stream.

Blue turns LEFT again and runs parallel to train tracks. Trains are fast and frequent but there is a large wooded separation between the trail and tracks.

Train visible along BLUE trail.

2.5 – Continue on BLUE. [Pass BLUE SHORTCUT on the left which leads right back to Maggie’s Trail].

2.8 – BLUE curves around. Pass PINK markers on the left that are not on the map. As BLUE continues to curve around, another wide path joins in from the right.

Wet grassy trail through brush.

3.1 – Turn RIGHT and follow WHITE again.

3.3 – Turn RIGHT and now follow YELLOW.

YELLOW trail marker next to a leaf covered trail.

3.5 – At a bench, turn RIGHT to continue on YELLOW. [GREEN starts to the left]

3.6 – Follow YELLOW as it turns LEFT at a sign, then shortly turn RIGHT and start following RED. [Shorter: Continue on YELLOW instead and continue at 4.0 below].

RED loops around and comes back to YELLOW.

Trail marker sign at an intersection.

4.0 – Turn RIGHT to follow YELLOW again.

4.2 – Just before a field, turn RIGHT to now follow PURPLE though tall stands of evergreen trees. [YELLOW continues ahead, across the field, and will meet up with the WHITE trail from earlier].

PURPLE trail through a row of pine trees.

4.4 – PURPLE turns to the left and crosses a field back to the parking lot.

Boardwalk trail approaching a grassy field.

Optional ORANGE add-on:

Continue through the parking lot and around to the opposite side of the visitor center to pick up ORANGE at the tree line. A Storybook Trail had been added to since we last hiked here.

Story trail post on a path.

Pages from an illustrated book are displayed at points along the trail for some bonus fun on a hike.

Continue on ORANGE past a metal chime (…of course you’ll need to ding it at least once. We certainly did…). To follow the Discovery/Story Book trail instead, turn right.

Chime along ORANGE trail.

ORANGE approaches a field with a wildlife blind, then turns LEFT.

Wildlife blind on the ORANGE trail.

The trail continues out towards the edge of McCormack Lake.

ORANGE trail is a wide path with tall grass on either side.

Eventually ORANGE follows along the shore of the lake.

Edge of Lake McCormack seen from the orange trail.

Follow ORANGE out to where it ends at bench and a nice view over Lake McCormack.

Orange bench and a wooden heart with love written on it.

Backtrack, then followe ORANGE as it keeps right to hug the lake. There were a lot of gnawed trees in this section.

Tree gnawed half-way through by a beaver.

End up at the lawn in back of the nature center. Head around the right side of the building back to the parking lot.

Hiked: 3/18/23. With ORANGE.
Hiked: 11/25/17. With ORANGE.
Hiked: 4/7/13. Trailblog: “Plainsboro Preserve in Spring

Updated: 4/2020 – Page refreshed, not re-hiked. 11/2019 – Noticed this now allows bow hunting certain days; closes entirely for firearm. Check park site for latest details.  No-hunting park year-round. 

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