Keep track of your hikes with an easy-to-use log sheet.
Want to track how many miles you hike in a year? Or the total number of hikes? Our Hike Log does both!
We’ve been tracking our hikes annually like this forever and figured that maybe others would also want to use it.
Record your hikes and the Hike Log displays monthly and year-to-date totals as well as average miles per hike.

When you enter a hike name it adds to the total number of hikes automatically. The “TO DATE” total hikes and miles stick to the top as the page scrolls (so you can always see how awesome you are!).
The right side contains a totals box and a handy list of links for hike ideas and inspiration. At the bottom there’s even a bonus section to record biking and kayaking.
The Hike Log file is an Excel spreadsheet (.xslx) but should be importable into Google Sheets or other editors.
Check it out and let us know if you find it helpful!