Biking the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath north from Rocky Hill to Weston Causeway and back.
For D&R trail resources/maps, see our Delaware Canal Towpath overview.
We had a ton of heavy rain the night before, so we decided to grab the bikes for a change and head over to the towpath at the Delaware & Raritan Canal, one of our favorite places for biking. Parked at the Rocky Hill lot and headed north.
We aren’t into mountain or road biking and prefer to stick with towpath/rail-trails. The level towpath follows the canal is good for easy biking, walking, or jogging. The towpath is free from traffic, but there are road crossings (which can be busy).
The trail had some muddy ruts and some puddles in spots, but not bad considering the downpour the day before. Some crushed gravel had been added to the trail further north, making it even easier.
21.9 miles roundtrip. We decided to turn around at Weston Causeway at Weston Canal Rd. since we didn’t want to overdo it on our first bike ride of the season.
Rocky Hill lot is on Kingston Rocky Hill Rd, just south of the intersection with 518. Porta-john in the lot. There was also another porta-john at the Griggstown Causeway intersection. (which is right near a canoe rental place – that’s fun too.)
Wildlife spotted: Three adorable tiny fawns.
Wildlife not spotted: The stinging insect that came right at my face got caught in my sunglasses, and stung my cheek, causing me to skid to a halt. This, of course, happened just after we started heading back, so I had a 10-mile ride to go.
Luckily there was still a little ice left in my Camelback to ice it with because it hurt. Stopped at WaWa for a Snickers ice cream bar on the way home… because ice cream and chocolate cure anything.
Fun Fact: If far from home, mud applied to a sting will draw out some of the toxins as it dries. Wish I’d known that before.