A nice varied walk – easy trails and a super cool swinging bridge over Stony Brook.
We’d had this on our list of “under an hour away short hikes” since I’d noticed it in the first edition of Hiking New Jersey (2023) that came out in 2009.
We’d never gotten around to it because more of a casual walk than a hike. With yet another super cold day that is exactly what we were looking for.
For a detailed hike guide visit our main “Institute Woods, Rogers Refuge, Princeton Battlefield” page.
There’s also a refuge known for birding, and a Revolutionary War battlefield with a funky colonnade near a memorial gravesite.
Optionally continue over the swinging bridge and link up to the D&R Canal Towpath.
You can even wander the adjacent Institute for Advanced Study’s grounds which I read have sculptures but decided to save that for another day as it was like 18 degrees.
So on the way back we “needed” to get a macchiato with an extra shot and toffee nut syrup instead of caramel. Purely for medicinal purposes of course.
New! Downloadable Swinging Bridge Guide and Map!
Get our enhanced guide! This features an exclusive, easy to understand trail map plus turn-by-turn hike directions with photos at key intersections, parking and restroom info, and hike photos. Print out or use on a mobile phone.
Parking lot
Clarke House Museum
Turn right at the stone maker ahead…
Some intersections are marked like this
Meeting House
Pipeline – a wide trail
Rivers Edge trail along Stony Brook
Yeah it was cold out.
Swinging Bridge
View from the bridge
Rogers Refuge trails
Observation platform in Rogers Refuge
View from the platform
Trolley Trail
Institute for Advanced Study in the distance
Pond along Trolley Trail
Gravel path in along Princeton Battlefield
Grave marker