Otter Hole, Chikahoki Falls, Carris Hill, and High Point in Spring
With perfect spring weather and some photo gear we wanted to test out, we headed to one of our favorite hiking spots.
Trail Blogs are casual posts about a particular hike, sometimes with a seasonal focus. They don’t contain the detailed step-by-step instructions and information that our hike guides feature.
For example – the hike guide for Mt. Tammany has detailed instructions but also links to the multiple Trail Blogs about our various hikes up Mt. Tammany over the years (i.e. “Mt. Tammany and Sunfish Pond in the Fall“).
With perfect spring weather and some photo gear we wanted to test out, we headed to one of our favorite hiking spots.
Waterfall focused photo hikes on a very chilly April morning.
Kicking off 2016 with a chilly hike on the Perimeter and Creek trails at Merrill Creek Reservoir.
Visit Revolutionary War soldier’s huts on these easy trails from the center of Jockey Hollow.
Somehow four and a half years had passed since we’d hiked Tillman so we decided to try for some fall foliage.
Hiking from Island Pond through the Lemon Squeezer and around to Green Pond in 2015.