It’s been 15 years since we launched njHiking.com!
15 years. FIFTEEN! It feels like I was just writing the “10 Years” post mere minutes ago.
Back in the spring of 2009 when we started posting our hike descriptions, photos, and videos, we never imagined how many people would find it useful.
The site was a long time in launching. We started working up concepts and bouncing around ideas in the early 2000s and registered the njHiking.com domain a few years later.
By 2006 we’d designed the first version on our local server and started tracking our hikes. Dig deep enough and you’ll find those first not-so-great posts (some are so short they are just a hike name, mileage, and date!).
After several site designs and many more hikes we went live in March of 2009. That first month the site received just a few hundred visits.
Now 15 years and millions of website visitors, 4500+ miles hiked, and untold gallons of post-hike ice cream and iced coffee later… here we are.
We’d like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who’s supported NJ HIKING over the years and that we REALLY appreciate all those nice emails and messages we’ve received.
– Dawn & Tom
P.S. You can find out a little more about us or contact us.